Making a purchase at Funzley is simple and secure. Browse our store, select your items, add personalisation where necessary, and add them to your shopping basket. Once you’re ready, click ‘Checkout’ and provide the details required to complete your order.
When we confirm your Funzley order, it indicates we have received your order, but it does not form a binding contract. This is to protect us in cases where pricing errors occur, a product is mispriced, or a product becomes unavailable. In the event of a price change, we will always contact you first for your approval. We also reserve the right to temporarily or permanently remove any item from sale due to third-party issues. If you purchase an item that is later removed or discontinued, we will offer a refund or gift voucher.
If an item is out of stock, we will place it on back order for you. You will be notified via email with the option to cancel if you prefer not to wait.
All prices include VAT at the standard rate of 20%.
For your security, payments are processed through Google Pay or PayPal. No card details are stored on our website.
Please allow 1 to 5 working days for dispatch. Personalised books require 5 days due to production time, as each item is handmade in our family-run studio. Be sure to order with enough time for special occasions. For multiple items, we aim to dispatch them together, though this may not always be possible depending on size and availability.
Please allow 2 to 4 days for delivery. Depending on the item, deliveries will be handled by Royal Mail, FedEx, Yodel, Amazon Shipping, or similar couriers. We may need your phone number so the courier can contact you regarding delivery.
Under the Distance Selling Act, you have the right to return an unwanted item within 7 days of delivery. However, return postage is your responsibility. Custom and personalised items are non-refundable. If an item is faulty or incorrect, notify us immediately, and we will offer a replacement, refund, or gift voucher upon receiving evidence of the issue (e.g., a photo of the damaged item). Claims must be made within 2 days of delivery.
Once your order has been processed, it cannot be cancelled.
Small items are typically sent via first-class Royal Mail, which is uninsured. If your item is not delivered, please contact us as soon as possible to resolve the issue.
We aim to deliver your order to UK addresses within 14 working days. However, Funzley accepts no liability for delays or failure to deliver within estimated timeframes. It is your responsibility to provide the correct delivery address, and we cannot be held liable for any losses due to incorrect details.
Some deliveries may require a signature. Ensure you or someone at your delivery address can provide one. If a third party signs for the delivery at your address, you are still responsible for the item.
Please note that product images may vary slightly due to differences in screen displays. However, all images represent the actual products.
If you need to contact us, you can do so via:
- Facebook: Funzley
- Phone: 07899015424
- Email: